Monday, July 12, 2010

Cooking intro

This blog would be completely based on the new recipes I have tried. But to start it off I often wonder why most people link cooking to being a housewife. I remember the times when I discuss my new dishes with my friends, mostly guys, who end their statements by mentioning that I am preparing myself to be a housewife......
This comment literally baffles me. Is good cooking really meant for housewives alone ??? I don't think so. In today's world a modern girl can do it all and much better than what guys can do. We are great multi taskers and can both excel in personal and professional lives.
I know that you have options of the "cooks" in these times......most working couples take the privilege of hiring a cook who would take care of the basic need of every household - cooking. But just picture this..... when your family grows and you have kids in your life....imagine your kid praising your cook in front of a bunch of other kids when he talks about his tiffin box contents !!!!! I always remember praising my mom when I was a kid and proudly showed off my tiffin box to other kids.
So cooking has got nothing to do with being a housewife...... Its just an art and a passion which few people have. And yes I love cooking :)

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